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Rider Spotlight: Emily Fath

Emily Fath

We signed 5 new riders this year and we are so happy to have Emily Fath on our team. She is a well rounded person that shreds on a longboard and is all about supporting the longboard community. We wanted to get to know her better so we asked her some questions...

How did you start skateboarding/longboarding?

2013 went through a really messy breakup. I wanted to pick up a new hobby to keep my mind off of things, but honestly also kind of wanted to Flex On My Ex(TM). I saw people cruising around campus so I picked up a board, thinking I would never learn to slide or anything like that, and then discovered this whole world of downhill and freeride. I learned how to slide that same summer and I was hooked pretty instantly.

What are other passions in your life? What motivates you?

This is a hard one. The times when I have to be off the board for a bit due to injuries and whatnot are rough. But I love the scene and I love going out to support my friends even when I can't skate. I love how nature, camping, and longboarding go hand-in-hand. Personal growth and connecting with people are big ones. I also turn to writing music as a form of self expression.

What do you do for work? How do you balance work and play?

I design software interfaces for a company that works with non-profits. Surprisingly the consistent 9-5 schedule is a major perk and very conducive to skating.

Where do you want to see longboarding in the future?

2014 slide jam vibes, but with more diversity. I would love to see another boom because I think it could lead to more gear innovation in areas other than downhill/racing, and it could also be an opportunity to easily reach more kinds of people and spread the stoke.

What is your favorite longboard event and why?

Maybe the Maryhill Spring Freeride. The vibes are insane from everyone being cooped up all winter. It's such a chill, beginner-friendly event and yet people still find ways to send it extremely hard. And it's super scenic.

Tell us about that session or moment that made you want to really pursue longboarding as more than just a hobby?

Shortly after learning how to do coleman slides my friends convinced me to go with them to the 2014 Rage at the Ridge in Michigan (RIP), just to watch and hang out. That was my first time I had seen people going fast fast on longboards and I was in total awe. There were also like 6 women racing (which was a lot) out of the 80-something people who had registered, and I think just seeing other women made me realize that this was actually something attainable and not some crazy RedBull/X-Games sh*t. Okay sometimes it kind of is. BUT. I made a pledge to my friend that next year we'd come back and I'd be registered to race. And then I did!

What is your biggest achievement? In longboarding and/or life...

In terms of longboarding, my biggest achievement is probably bouncing back from several injuries to keep skating. A broken ankle, a sprained toe (I swear it's worse than it sounds), a couple of shoulder dislocations, many many tumbles and lots of road rash. I could have done without some of that, though.

Coffee, tea or energy drink? What wakes you up in the morning?


What is your dream job? What's stopping you?

Opening a bakery! The main blocker is that I have absolutely no idea how to do this what-so-ever.

Follow her on instagram... @extrasicc.kfc


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Get Schmacked! (Skate the Cape Anthem)Timmy B. x Patty C. x Friends at Skate the Cape
00:00 / 05:50
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