5th Annual Skate the Cape Shred Festival on Novemeber 5-6th, 2016 at Fort Miles and the Great Dune Lookout in Cape Henlopen State Park, DE.
The 5th Annual Skate the Cape Shred Festival attracts longboarders from all the Mid-Atlantic States and even as far as CO, UT and OH to come test their skills in Downhill Racing, Slalom Racing, a Push Race around the Park, BoarderCross, Freestyle and more! Riders can arrive Friday and relax all weekend at the beautiful State Park where they camp out and hang out with other riders in the community. This event has been organized and driven by Faceplant Boardrider's brothers Ricky and Rob Wheeler who started their longboaring manufacturing business in DE back in 2010. This year, the event has a lot of support from local and national sponsors as it is in its 5th generation! The high energy action starts on Saturday with the Downhill Race where riders in Junior and Open division race in heats of 3 to see who makes it down first. Lots of crashes in the difficult 100 degree right turn on the great dune lookout trail. Next is the Slalom Race where riders go head to head as they weave in and out of cones to see who makes it down the fastest. Last event on Saturday is the grueling 2.9 mile enduro push race on the bike loop where riders must push uphill, downhill, over sand, water and pine needles to make it to the finish.
Sunday starts with a new event for the longboard sport called Boardercross. In this event, riders must navigate a cone course over ramps and tight turns to see who has the fastest time after 3 runs. After that is the main event, the Freestyle Jam. Riders air off ramps, perform high speed slides and traditional skateboarding tricks on longboards. This will be the finale of the Faceplant Freestyle Cup, a 3 month longboard series where riders have been competing in events, gaining points to place in the top 3 and win cash for longboarding!
For more information or to register for the event, visit www.faceplantboardriders.com
Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1024679484258595/
2015 Official Event Video: https://youtu.be/v2Yvb7hfqb8