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4th Annual Rip the Elwood Recap

Rob Wheeler

Official Event Video:

The 4th annual Rip the Elwood Longboard competition was another successful event that brought together riders from VA, CO, OH, PA, DE, MD, NY, and NH. Riders travel long distances so they can challenge themselves on the skinny path that weaves down the open face of Elwood L. Crossan State Park. Riders also enjoy the downhill skatepark on the wide open road running parallel to the path which really makes this location a perfect venue for a longboarding event. Overall, this was a great event that bought out the local community as well as the far-flung longboard community. Families and young kids enjoyed the high speed action and positive attitudes from all the skaters. The event always seems to leave people with a contagious buzz that brings them back to our events for more. Next Event: Bethlehem Longboard Jam on October 1st, 2016

Official Results: Junior DH: 1st- Dillon Walter 1:09 2nd-Nathan Yager 1:10.19 3rd-Ryan Ciano 1:10.51 Open DH: 1st-Chris Lavinio 1:05 2nd-Jarrid Lopez 1:06 3rd-Aaron Gordy 1:07 Push Race: 1st-Ben Lohr 2nd-Jarrid Lopez 3rd-Brandon "Animal" Cassel BoarderX Race: 1st-Jarrid Lopez 2nd-Brian Fitch 3rd-Aaron Gordy Junior Slide: 1st-Benny Clark 2nd-Troy Dycus 3rd-Gabe Biesing Open Slide: 1st-Kardon Allard 2nd-Brian Fitch 3rd-Mark Nicolaus Longest Heel- Troy Dycus

Longest Toeside- Jack Murphy

Faceplant Freestyle Cup Standings:

Open Division Standings 2016

Kardon Allard - 15 pts

Brian Fitch - 12.5 pts

Mark Nicolaus - 10 pts

Ventus Kisari, Aaron Gordy, Zach Longacre - 8 pts

Jarrid Lopez, Brandon "Animal" Cassel, Tim Brooks, Jesse Wipf, Austin Manning, Cameron Roundtree - 5 pts

Juniors Division Standings 2016

Benny Clark - 15 pts

Troy Dycus - 12.5 pts

Gabe Giesing - 10 pts

Ethan Sanchez & Ryan Ciano - 8 pts

Dillon Walter, Logan Bushog, Troy Drain, Nathan Yager, Xavier Salazar, Jacob Sarac - 5 pts

PC: @categorycollections of Open DH winner Chris Lavinio from Long Island, NY

PC @categorycollections of Brian Fitch navigating his way toward the BoarderX finish to take 2nd place

Official Event Video: Filmed and Editted by Ricky Wheeler


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Get Schmacked! (Skate the Cape Anthem)Timmy B. x Patty C. x Friends at Skate the Cape
00:00 / 05:50
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